More than 2-inch enlargement.
With wearing this penis enlarger, you will take the role of “big man”. It can offer you around 6 cm extending with your penis, which will make you be proud of your private part of body.
Realistic flesh & shape.
Better than normal penis sleeves, our black penis sleeve has lifelike penis shape, veins & glans. When you put it on, your penis seems like really become bigger & larger than before.
Penis ring for prolong erection.
We use the penis ring design on end of the silicone sleeve, which can help you get no slip when using this penis enlarger. Also, The penis ring can work on penis prolonging erection.
Skin-friendly silicone & waterproof.
This penis extender sleeve sex toy is made with liquid silicone, which is skin-friendly, soft enough & body-safe. Meanwhile, it’s waterproof and you can use running water to clean it easily.
C*************t –
This toy is the probably our favorite.
Hubbys review: he lasts longer, acts like a condom. He barely fits but once it’s on it perfect.
Wife review: we try not to use it every time so it doesn’t become a problem if it breaks 🤣
But it’s my favorite and intensifies everything!
I go so fast with this..